Ways To Keep Your Diet On Track

Sticking to Your New Year’s Fitness Plan

A healthy, fit lifestyle is accomplished by keeping a focus on two things – a regular exercise program, combined with a healthy diet. Here’s some ways to keep your diet on track

One big problem researchers has discovered – is noise. Yes – sitting in front of the TV while eating actually causes you to eat more! It’s been found that we are more likely to overeat when loud sounds, such as the television being on while eating, may drown out the sound of your chewing, based on research done by Colorado State University and Brigham Young University.

For the study, they had people munch on pretzels while wearing headphones that were playing either soft or loud white noise. For those that had their headphones cranked up – they ate up to 45% more than those that didn’t have the loud noise going on while eating. The researchers feel that the sounds you make while eating actually make you more aware of how much your eating.

But the study shows another simple idea we should keep in mind with our diets. It’s not just the sound of your eating that may be what keeps you from eating less. It’s about focus. If you’re focusing on what you’re eating, and how much, you’re much less likely to slip up and overeat!

A great way to do that is to chart your progress. Keep a journal of what you are eating and how much. Look up and add to the journal, what the nutritional content was of what you ate, as well as how many calories you might have been eating. A food journal is a great way to keep your diet on track.

But it’s also important to reward yourself for staying on track with your diet. Give yourself a cheat day once a week – a day where you can enjoy a craving you might have had. Knowing you have that one day coming up is a great way to keep from justifying “cheat” moments throughout the week, helping you to always keep your diet on track.

And, lastly, regular exercise is important way to keep your diet on track as well. Regular exercise has been shown to elevate your mood, helping you avoid feelings of anxiety and depression. Given how many of us may choose to use comfort foods to make up for a bad day – rather than turning to comfort foods, try getting in an extra workout instead. You’ll feel better than you would by having that “bad meal” and you’ll be that much closer to your overall fitness and diet goals.

Looking for that perfect piece of home exercise equipment to help keep you on your diet? Visit any of Fitness 4 Home Superstore’s 3 Valley area locations today!

Bob Lachniet

View posts by Bob Lachniet
Bob Lachniet is the owner of Fitness 4 Home Superstore. He has been in the fitness equipment commercial and retail sales industry for over 25 years and has been owner of Fitness 4 Home Superstore since 2005. Bob truly cares about his customers and wishes to educate them on what is the right piece of fitness equipment for their particular circumstance.
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