Workout Tip: Manage Post-Exercise Muscle Soreness

Manage Post-Exercise Muscle Soreness It is hard to exercise at your best level if you are so sore and achy that even normal movements can be uncomfortable. If you are tackling particularly demanding moves or have recently stepped up your fitness routine, your muscles can take a beating and may not feel all that great in the aftermath of a workout. This can make your next workout an even greater challenge, and make it impossible for you to maintain your peak performance.

Fortunately, there are some strategies that can help you soothe sore muscles and perhaps let them recover more quickly.

Food and drink soreness cures

Certain foods or beverages consumed either before or after a workout can apparently help reduce soreness or speed recovery. These dietary cures may seem like old wives’ tales, but frequent recommendations (and in some cases, research-based evidence) seem to prove that they do work. Cherry juice can have surprising positive effects in this area. Believe it or not, a cup of coffee can also be beneficial, as a pre-workout dose of caffeine can reduce post-exercise muscle soreness and fatigue.

Go hot and cold

Heat and cold can both offer individual benefits for exercise-related muscle issues. Heat can offer comfort in the immediate aftermath of a workout. Soaking in essential oils or Epsom salts can add an extra soothing boost to your warm bath.  Ice, on the other hand, speeds healing and can be invigorating to your system

Rely on natural remedies

Many athletes and fitness buffs swear by herbal remedies and essential oils as a cure for all sorts of health issues, including muscle soreness. These natural cures are certainly worth a try, especially if they can serve as an effective alternative to over-the-counter medications. Ginger, coconut oil, molasses and apple cider vinegar are all commonly used as a natural cure for tired muscles.

Massage soreness away

Just as stretching before a workout can help your body prepare for a workout, massage can be an effective way to help muscles recover afterwards. Deep message can help work out stress and tension and loosen up muscles, paving the way for a faster recovery and making you feel more relaxed and comfortable.

Once you have made plans to avoid muscle soreness, you will be ready to tackle an ambitious fitness regimen. To learn more about all of the home gym equipment we can offer for your Phoenix area home, contact Fitness 4 Home Superstore today

Bob Lachniet

View posts by Bob Lachniet
Bob Lachniet is the owner of Fitness 4 Home Superstore. He has been in the fitness equipment commercial and retail sales industry for over 25 years and has been owner of Fitness 4 Home Superstore since 2005. Bob truly cares about his customers and wishes to educate them on what is the right piece of fitness equipment for their particular circumstance.
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