Benefits of Rowing Machines

Benefits of Rowing Machines

When you decide to improve your health, your first step could be to pound the pavement with a running program. But, if you have problems with your joints, and don’t want to worry about the long term effects that the stress running might contribute to your body, indoor rowing may be a better option. Regular rowing workouts are an ideal way to work toward maximum physical fitness. Using a rowing machine can help to build and tone your muscles, strengthen your cardiovascular function and increase your stamina. Rowing machines are particularly effective for older fitness enthusiasts because they place no strain on your back and joints.

Weight Loss – Rowing burns calories rapidly, which is perfect if weight loss is your chief priority. A rigorous workout on a rowing machine can burn about 377 calories in 30 minutes for an individual who weighs 185 pounds, notes Harvard Health Publications. Regular rowing can help you work toward building a calorie deficit that is necessary for weight loss. 

Muscle Toning – Rowing uses nearly all the major muscle groups. With the additional benefit of rowing putting little pressure on the joints (as rowing is a low-impact workout), rowers work their legs, hips and buttocks with each stroke. They also use upper-body muscles, strengthening the back, shoulders and arms. The trunk and core are engaged in the exercise as the rower performs each stroke. You can adjust most rowing machines to create a tighter resistance to increase the rate at which you build muscle..

Cardiovascular Benefits
Aerobic exercise improves lung, heart and circulation systems and is the cornerstone of an effective exercise routine. Using a rowing machine increases heart function and uses carbohydrates to provide the energy required to exercise. Keeping the rowing machine tension at a low level allows you to maintain a high rate of speed with little resistance in order to reach and maintain an aerobic state.

Fitness 4 Home Superstore has a wide variety of indoor rowing machines to fit your exercise needs – visit one of our Valley stores today to find out more.

Bob Lachniet

View posts by Bob Lachniet
Bob Lachniet is the owner of Fitness 4 Home Superstore. He has been in the fitness equipment commercial and retail sales industry for over 25 years and has been owner of Fitness 4 Home Superstore since 2005. Bob truly cares about his customers and wishes to educate them on what is the right piece of fitness equipment for their particular circumstance.
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