4 TRX Exercises For a Great Workout!

4 TRX Exercises For a Great Workout!

If your home doesn’t have space for extra gym equipment, or you want to continue your workouts while traveling, you might want to consider a TRX Suspension Training System. Along with being compact and easy to travel with, the TRX Suspension Training System is also quite cost effective. With suspension training, you use your own body weight to provide resistance, and engage many muscle groups at the same time. Plus, while you’re doing your workout, you’re also engaging your core, so you get core-stabilization exercises at the same time!

“TRX trains for reactive stability, says Chris Frankel, head of human performance at TRX. “If your core isn’t tight, you’ll lose balance on the straps. Bracing your core before you move becomes second nature. You’re relying on your own ability to marry your center of gravity with your base of support.”

4 TRX Exercises for a great workout!

For these exercises, go slow and don’t rush. Start with 30-45 seconds of work to every 30 seconds of rest

TRX Single Leg Squat

Set your TRX straps at mid length. Put your elbows under your shoulders and, with tension on TRX, center your right leg to align with the TRX’s anchor point. The, place your left heel on the ground to assist your right leg. Next, lower your hips down and back, allowing the knee of your left leg to bend. You want to keep the majority of weight on your right leg. Drive through your heels, extend your hips and stand tall. Repeat with left leg.

TRX Atomic Pike

Set your TRX straps at mid length. Start in a plank position with your feet in the foot cradles, your knees on floor, and your hands under your shoulders. Next, Lower your chest to just above the ground. Keeping your ears, shoulders, hips, knees, ankles in alignment, push back up to plank position then immediately hinge at hips. Drive your butt up while keeping your torso straight. Keep your body tight and engaged and lower back down to a plank position.

TRX Powerpull

Set your TRX straps at mid length. Place your right hand beside your chest, and reach your left hand up the TRX main strap toward anchor point. Next, drop your shoulders down, and in a circular motion, rotate your left arm toward the ground while extending your right arm. Keep your hips square. Drive yourright elbow straight back while rotating your left arm up toward the anchor point. Repeat with your left arm.

TRX Burpee

Set your TRX straps at mid calf length. Place your right foot in foot cradle and center with the main TRX anchor point, placing your shoulders over your hips. Drive your right knee back and lower your hips until the back of your knee is two inches from ground. Place your hands on the ground, hop your left leg straight back to a plank and do a pushup. Hop your left leg forward and explode up to a jump. Repeat with your left arm.

And, if you’re looking for a TRX Suspension Trainer, Fitness 4 Home Superstore can help! We carry a full range of TRX Suspension Trainers and accessories. Stop in any of our 3 Valley store locations to learn more!

Bob Lachniet

View posts by Bob Lachniet
Bob Lachniet is the owner of Fitness 4 Home Superstore. He has been in the fitness equipment commercial and retail sales industry for over 25 years and has been owner of Fitness 4 Home Superstore since 2005. Bob truly cares about his customers and wishes to educate them on what is the right piece of fitness equipment for their particular circumstance.
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