Tips for Shedding Pounds and Loosing Weight this Holiday Season

Loosing Weight

The holidays are upon us once again. And along with them, shorter days, colder nights, and the temptation of a multitude of different treats at holiday parties and family functions. The combination of all of this means you may suddenly found you’ve gained an extra 5 pounds during the holidays. Here’s some tips for loosing weight and shedding pounds during this holiday season.

Change up your eating habits.

  • We all have a habit of eating more when we’re dehydrated, so whenever you eat, also drink something. It’ll help to fill you up quicker, while keeping you hydrated which can decrease your hunger as well.
  • Rather than eating 3 big meals a day, try breaking up your meals into 5-6 small meals per day. Since we burn food in 2-3 hour periods, eating small meals on this schedule (think about twice the size of your palm) – your body is more likely to use what it takes in rather than store it.
  • Slow down! When you start eating, it’ll take your brain about 20 minutes to tell you you’re full. So, slowing down may mean you feel full while taking in less calories than you otherwise would.
  • Keep your fat and alcohol intake down. Take one less cookie. Have a glass of water between cocktails.

Stay Active!

Yes, it might be cold out, or it’s hard to get that run in when it’s dark out. But there are ways to keep loosing weight while remaining active with a bit of planning. Create a schedule for your weekly workouts – having it written down makes it easier to keep on top of it. Rather than going for a run, schedule in a hike with friends, go for a morning walk, or get a treadmill or exercise bike for your home and workout when your schedule allows.

Or, get some resistance bands or a suspension trainer like the TRX Home Suspension Training Kit and take it with you during holiday travel! Pick about 15-20 exercises you can do that will help keep you loosing weight and staying active, allowing you to get your workouts in – every calorie you can burn during the holiday is one that won’t turn to extra fat!

For more information about buying any of these fitness products, or any other type of fitness equipment for your Phoenix area home, contact Fitness 4 Home Superstore today and we’ll be happy to match you up with the perfect piece of exercise apparatus – cardio, strength, core or flexibility.

Bob Lachniet

View posts by Bob Lachniet
Bob Lachniet is the owner of Fitness 4 Home Superstore. He has been in the fitness equipment commercial and retail sales industry for over 25 years and has been owner of Fitness 4 Home Superstore since 2005. Bob truly cares about his customers and wishes to educate them on what is the right piece of fitness equipment for their particular circumstance.
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