Diet Tips: 5 Diet Tips for Weight Loss

Cross Training AccessoriesLosing pounds doesn’t have to feel tantamount to torture. With the following 5 Diet Tips for Weight Loss, you don’t even have to do every one. Just adopt three of these behaviors – and these tips are are enthusiastically backed by nutritionists — and you’ll be thinner and healthier in days. (Plus, the weight will stay off.)

Smart Snacking:  Rather than starving yourself, then gorging later to satisfy your hunger, nutritionists agree that small snacks between your main meals can keep you from binging later. Make sure that what you do snack on is high in protein (your body burns more energy processing protein than carbs or fat, and it’s also good for your body to build muscle with) – like a stick of string cheese,  a small bowl of edamame, or a tablespoon of peanut butter on a slice of fruit.

Turn off the television: Sitting in front of the TV when your snacking means you aren’t paying attention to the quantity you’re consuming. Research is showing that you may eat up to 40% more calories when you sit in front of the TV. So, even if you’re eating alone – keep distractions like TV to a minimum while eating.

Incorporate weight training into your workouts. Even if it’s just 5 minutes of pushups, lunges and squats in 30 second intervals, these exercises do three things. First, you build muscle, which picks up your metabolism and burns more fat. Second, you’ll sculpt your muscles, making you look and feel better. And third, these exercises work the major muscle groups like your glutes, quads, and pectorial muscles – which increases your body’s production of HGH, which also helps you burn fat.  (And, if you don’t like to do weight training at a gym, Fitness 4 Home Superstore has a wide selection weight training equipment for your home!)

Cut back or eliminate alcohol in your diet. Alcohol is empty calories. Period. That’s why a beer gut is called a “beer gut”. Instead, treat yourself only on weekends, or limit yourself to just one glass of vodka, wine, or beer, as less empty calories can help you cut back your overall caloric intake.

Sleep longer: When you’re rested, you’re less likely to be stressed, and you’re more likely to make better food choices. And, you’re less likely to snack due to fatigue as well!

Bob Lachniet

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Bob Lachniet is the owner of Fitness 4 Home Superstore. He has been in the fitness equipment commercial and retail sales industry for over 25 years and has been owner of Fitness 4 Home Superstore since 2005. Bob truly cares about his customers and wishes to educate them on what is the right piece of fitness equipment for their particular circumstance.
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