4 Drinks Than Can Aid Weight Loss

4 Drinks Than Can Aid Weight Loss

It doesn’t matter whether you’re looking to loose weight, or keep your weight where it’s at – you still need to burn fat, while avoiding adding more. Cutting calories, exercise, and watching what you eat definetly helps you increase the speed at which you burn fat – and your diet is a huge contributor to that weight loss process.

Here are 5 drinks that help reduce fat and burn those extra calories very efficiently.

Skim Milk

Studies show that having skimmed milk as a part of your diet is a great way to loose weight, thanks to the action of calcuim. Calcium increases the ability of the body to burn fats as well as makes the process even more effective and quick. Calcium also suppresses the hormone calcitriol – this is the hormone that is responsible for making you fatter, and it keeps your bones healthy and strong as well as helps you build muscles.Dropping your calcitriol level leads to a much faster breakdown of fats, which allows you to shed the extra pounds.

Green Tea

Green tea is a very effective fat burner drink! If you drink 3 to 5 cups of green tea every day for a week, your body burn nearly 35 – 43% of the total fat reserves! Green tea speeds up your metabolism letting you burn calories enough to shed one pound in a month – think about it, if you drink green tea daily, you could loose up to 12 pounds a year alone! Green tea is also rich in antioxidants, that can help combat several diseases and help you stay healthy.

Black Coffee

Black coffee, as you may well know, is rich in caffeine, which speeds up your metabolism, supresses appetite, and can help burn off those fat reserves. Plus, it can up your energy levels, which may keep you moving longer and faster when you are active, also helping you burn calories! Those who drink caffeinated coffee have a 16% increase in metabolic rate as compared to the decaffeinated coffee drinkers. According to a research, an individual having 2 cups of coffee burns about 50 calories in the consequent few hours. Just keep it limited to more than 2 cups per day.


Water is the best option for a very successful fat burn and weight reduction process! Dehydration causes your metabolism to slow down – so staying hydrated allows your body to work at peak efficiency, and that includes keeping your body’s ability to burn calories working at a top level! Plus, drinking water before every meal can help satisfy your hunger cravings, keeping you from wanting to eat as much, which keeps your calorie intake down. Water helps your liver to burn more fat, thereby giving you a flat tummy by reducing that excess water weight. An average person drinking 8 or more glasses of water per dat smoldered burns a higher amount of calories than the one who drinks less than 4 glasses.

Bob Lachniet

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Bob Lachniet is the owner of Fitness 4 Home Superstore. He has been in the fitness equipment commercial and retail sales industry for over 25 years and has been owner of Fitness 4 Home Superstore since 2005. Bob truly cares about his customers and wishes to educate them on what is the right piece of fitness equipment for their particular circumstance.
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