3 Unique Fitness Products For Your Home

What makes these 3 fitness products so unique?

At Fitness 4 Home Superstore we see a lot of cool premium quality fitness equipment products for people to own for their personal home gym. And while some of us like to do more cardio workouts than strength training, and others like the converse, we all know that having a balance of strength training and cardio workouts is the optimum goal for top physical performance at nearly any level.  So with this in mind, we thought we would share with you three unique fitness products we have in all our stores that we think are a bit more “out of the box thinking” when it comes to your everyday home fitness workout.

What the heck is the Precor AMT all about?

Precor AMT 885The Precor AMT (Adaptive Motion Trainer) is for the person who is looking for a low-impact cardio workout, but is tired of  the monotony of exercising on a treadmill, stepper or elliptical. The AMT is unique because it engages exercisers of all fitness levels with an infinite range of stride paths to create a uniquely effective low-impact workout, making every workout a personalized experience. With this one machine you can run, climb (step), glide at various resistance levels and stride path distances.

Product Highlights

  • Adaptive Stride Length: Naturally adapt stride length without the need to control settings. From zero to 36 inches (0 to 91 cm), to match the desired workout for each unique user.
  • Open Stride™: Open Stride™ is a unique feature that allows exercisers to adapt their stride height from 6.8 to 10 inches (17 to 25 cm) and stride length from zero to 36 inches (0 to 91 cm).
  • Dual Action: Dual action provides both upper and lower body workout. Arms are engaged with pushing and pulling motion to provide the ultimate in total body engagement.
  • Stride Dial™: The pendulum-like swing of the Stride Dial™ hel ps users see stride length to determine the muscle groups being worked. As stride le ngth changes, the Stride Dial updates real-time.
  • Biomechanics: Biomechanics validated by Western Washington University Biomechanics Lab for users of all fitness levels and sizes, from the 5% size female to the 95% size male user. Excellent stability and freedom of movement.

 Why PowerBlocks Give Your Space

PowerBlocks U-70 You don’t have time to share dumbbells at your local gym, but you only have limited space for the amount of dumbbells you need to get in the strength training you desire. What do you do? PowerBlock dumbbells  is your answer. Why have dumbbell strewn all over your floor or precariously stacked in the corner, when you could simply purchase 1 set of dumbbells that would provide you hours upon hours of strength training exercises from light to heavy weights.

PowerBlock is the most compact dumbbell available. At any weight, you will not find a shorter more compact dumbbell than PowerBlock. This means the PowerBlock dumbbells have the weight more concentrated around your hand and makes the dumbbell easier to balance and control.

Having PowerBlock dumbbells saves you space and money. The PowerBlock dumbbells, depending on the model you purchase, will replace up to 16 pairs of dumbbells or up to 825 lbs of free weights with a weight range of 5-50 lbs.

It’s true that big things do come in small packages sometimes – and the PowerBlock dumbbells proves this point most convincingly.

How the Helix Lateral Trainer works your transverse plane

Helix HLT3500There is absolutely nothing wrong with ellipticals, treadmills, steppers, fitness cycles/bikes and even the aforementioned Precor AMT. But what all all these pieces of fitness equipment have in common is they only work your saggital plane (which is a fancy way of saying moving forwards and backwards).  But what about your transverse plane (side-to-side/lateral movement)? Many people forget to ever work their transverse plane – or if they ever do, it’s on a limited basis. The Helix Lateral Trainer is the answer to a superior cardiovascular workout that will seriously kick your ass!

If you are looking an out-of-the-box-thinking type of cardio workout, then look no further. Backed by science and proven techniques, the Helix lateral trainer makes your workout count! Moving laterally—or side to side—the Helix provides a low impact motion that delivers exceptional results. As little as 30 minutes a day will tone your butt, legs, inner/outer thighs and core better than traditional cardio machines!

For more information about buying  any of these fitness products, or any other type of fitness equipment for your Phoenix area home, contact Fitness 4 Home Superstore today and we’ll be happy to match you up with the perfect piece of exercise apparatus – cardio, strength, core or flexibility.

Bob Lachniet

View posts by Bob Lachniet
Bob Lachniet is the owner of Fitness 4 Home Superstore. He has been in the fitness equipment commercial and retail sales industry for over 25 years and has been owner of Fitness 4 Home Superstore since 2005. Bob truly cares about his customers and wishes to educate them on what is the right piece of fitness equipment for their particular circumstance.
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