Getting bored with your treadmill workouts? Try one of these treadmill workouts to revitalize your motivation!
Source: Mens Fitness
Turn Up Your Tempo
Set your treadmill’s incline to 1 percent. Then, spend 10 minutes at an easy running pace to warm up. Once 10 minutes are done, set the pace 2 minutes faster than your easy running pace—say 8 minutes per mile if you usually run 10-minute miles for a long, easy run. Go at that tempo for 3 to 4 minutes, and then walk for 3 to 4 minutes. That’s one round; do 3 to 5 total rounds.
Progression Run
Spend 5-10 munutes warming up with an easy running pace. Follow that up by setting your treadmill’s incline at 1 percent. Run at 5 miles per hour for the first minute, then after every minute, pick up the pace .2 mph until you’re completely wiped out. This workout will increase your lactate threshold, develop mental patience, and boost your VO2 Max.
Half-Mile Intervals
Do a 15-20 minute warmup at an easy running pace. Then run a half-mile at 75 percent of your hardest effort. When you hit the half-mile mark, slow to a jog for 200 meters. That completes one round; do 6 to 8 total rounds.
The Horrible Hill Workout
Run at an easy running pace for 10 minutes. Then, set the incline to 8 percent and sprint as fast as you can for 30 seconds. Follow that by lowering the incline to 5 percent and walk for 30 seconds. After walking, sprint for 90 seconds at your 10K pace, then walk for 2 minutes. This completes one round. Do 6 to 9 total rounds.
Progressive Intervals
Warm up for 10 minutes at an easy running pace. Then, start running at a 7 miles per hour pace on a 1 percent incline. Run 60 seconds at that pace. Lower the speed to 3 mpg take a 60 second break. Bump up the speed to 7.5 mph and repeat this 60 seconds of running with a 60-second break while increasing the speed by 0.5 mph after each break. Once you can’t hold that faster speed for the full 60 seconds, drop the interval down to 30 seconds of running with 60 seconds of rest until you can’t go anymore.
For more information about buying a treadmill or any other type of fitness equipment for your Phoenix area home, contact Fitness 4 Home Superstore today and we’ll be happy to match you up with the perfect piece of exercise apparatus – cardio, strength, core or flexibility.