Smarter Training with the TRUE PS300 Elliptical

True PS300 Elliptical

Training Smarter with the PS300

The TRUE brand has been around for nearly 30 years and is the global leader in premium cardio equipment – both commercial and residential. The PS300 is a premium, user-focused elliptical; designed to help you achieve your fitness goals at home. Manufactured with commercial-grade materials and ergonomically engineered, the PS300 elliptical is built to keep you moving for years to come. The PS300 offers 12 workout programs, orthopedic footpads, ergonomic handles, Heart Rate Control and many more standard TRUE features. One of TRUE’s wonderful features on the PS300 is that it has the Cardio 360 program, which is like having your own personal trainer by your side. The program will work all major muscle groups through a variety of total body and isolating exercises.  This is such an efficient way to train, that you may never go back to your regular cardio routine.

The Durability of the TRUE PS300 Elliptical

You are hard core about your cardio workouts and want to make sure that if you’re going to invest some coin in a piece of fitness equipment, like the TRUE PS300 Elliptical, than you better get your money’s worth. You’re not one of those 5-10 minutes on the elliptical types, but more like the 30-60-minute-get-your-sweat-on type of elliptical goers. You want to make sure that whatever elliptical you purchase for your home, that it is reliable, durable and is made by a company with a good…make that great reputation in the cardio fitness equipment industry. Well, all those three boxes will be checked if you bring the PS300 into your home. It’s manufactured with commercial-grade material and the finest components for extreme durability.

Training Safer

Safety and comfort are at the forefront with the PS300 Elliptical. Whether it’s TRUE’s Core Drive System, biomechanically engineered handles, Soft Step orthopedic footpads or its patented Heart Rate Control technology, this machine is designed to get maximum results with minimum risk of injury, when used correctly.

The PS300 elliptical features innovative side-steps which not only allow safe entry and exit from the machine but also unparalleled versatility by providing the industry’s first upper-body only workout. During exercise, you will notice the exceptional comfort of TRUE’s Soft Step orthopedic footpads, which decrease the stress of impact on joints and can eliminate foot numbness associated with many traditional ellipticals.

Cross-training with the PS300

If you are looking for a piece of fitness equipment that will assist in your running, yoga, cycling or weight lifting in a cross-training manner, than an elliptical is a great choice. Cross-training is a great way to get a quality workout (in this case, cardio) which will help or add to your regular type of workout. If you are a runner and wish to relieve your muscles and joints of the heavy impact its getting regularly, but still maintain your cardiovascular fitness, then an elliptical, like the PS300, is a great alternative. If you are having some back problems due to miles upon miles of cycling, again, an elliptical is a great means to allow your cardio fitness to stay high, while not being cramped in a bent over position for hours on end as you are in a tour bike.

For more information about buying  an elliptical, like the TRUE PS300, or any other type of fitness equipment for your Phoenix area home, contact Fitness 4 Home Superstore today and we’ll be happy to match you up with the perfect piece of exercise apparatus – cardio, strength, core or flexibility.

Bob Lachniet

View posts by Bob Lachniet
Bob Lachniet is the owner of Fitness 4 Home Superstore. He has been in the fitness equipment commercial and retail sales industry for over 25 years and has been owner of Fitness 4 Home Superstore since 2005. Bob truly cares about his customers and wishes to educate them on what is the right piece of fitness equipment for their particular circumstance.
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