Exercise – The Secrets of How to Become Super-Fit

The Secrets of How to Become Super-Fit

It’s really not that hard to become super-fit – it just takes time, energy, and dedication! The hard part is in executing on that. So, let’s take those three parts separately.


Time means many things when it comes to your workout. It means you should time everything. Do your workout against the clock. Whether it’s weight lifting, or cardio – set yourself a plan to do a certain amount of work within a certain time – and then keep track of what that time was. For example, let’s say you’re running on a treadmill. Set yourself a goal for, let’s say, 3 miles in 35 minutes. Then, if you did 2.8 miles in 35 minutes, and the next time you to 2.9 miles in that same time – you can see not only how good you’re getting, but what days you might have slacked off a bit.


It’s not always easy to get in a good workout – especially if you find it boring. Actually, there is a way to avoid that – break your workout into three stages. First, to a 10 minute warmup. This helps get some oxygen into your system, warms up your muscles to avoid energy, and gets some endorphins going – which gets you to the next part. For that – to 10 minutes of a medium intensity workout. This gets your metabolism going, and gives you the chance to add variety. One day you could do things like pushups, situps, etc., where the next day you could to a weight workout, or pick up the pace on your cardio workout. This second step then prepares you for the third step – Interval Training. This is the brutal, final stage where you’re pushing yourself against your limits (but, make sure before you push your limits – you know what they are!) Do this for another 10-20 minutes – and your done!


There are no breaks…unless you’ve hurt yourself (and, if you’re careful with your workouts – the only “hurt” you should ever feel is maybe some slight muscle soreness that goes away after a day). This means no repeats as well – never, ever repeat a workout two days in a row! Try to create a slightly different plan for each day – and stick to it. Not only does having this variety keep you excited about your next workout, it also keeps your body from getting too accustomed to your workouts – and you’ll keep making progress with those workouts!

Fitness 4 Home Superstore offers a wide variety of cardio & strength equipment for your fitness needs. Visit one of our Phoenix area locations to learn more about home fitness equipment that can help you to become super-fit

Bob Lachniet

View posts by Bob Lachniet
Bob Lachniet is the owner of Fitness 4 Home Superstore. He has been in the fitness equipment commercial and retail sales industry for over 25 years and has been owner of Fitness 4 Home Superstore since 2005. Bob truly cares about his customers and wishes to educate them on what is the right piece of fitness equipment for their particular circumstance.
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